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Introduction to Lifelong Education Practitioners


Introduction to lifelong education practitioners (Grade 2)

  • Presidential Decree # 16750, Enforcement Ordinance of the Lifelong Education Act (March 13, 2000) and Ministry of Education Decree # 765, Enforcement Regulation of the Lifelong Education Act (March 31, 2000) are in force, which has renamed “social education experts” to “lifelong education practitioners”.
  • Lifelong education practitioners are those who are responsible for organization, management, analysis after completion and assessment of an education course at a social education organization or facility of a certain size or larger.
  • Licenses will be issued when the application for license of lifelong education practitioner and other required documents are submitted during the last semester to Faculty Affairs Support Team.
  • Students who entered before 2008
    • Students who entered before 2008 shall take at least seven required and three optional subjects, totaling ten or more subjects (check the following table to see the subject goals.)
    • Licenses are issued to those receiving 80 or higher of average graduation grade.

      ※ Subjects taken by lifelong education practitioners as entrants before 2008

      Subjects taken by lifelong education practitioners as entrants before 2008
      Division Course Number Subject Credit Comment
      Required SPGS 161 Lifelong Education Overview 3 Seven Required Subjects
      SPGS 162 Adult Learning and Counseling Theory 3
      SPGS 163 Lifelong Education Administration 2
      SPGS 168 heory of Remote Education 2
      SPGS 164 Industrial Education Methodology 2
      SPGS 167 Development of Industrial Education Program 2
      SPGS 165 Human Resources Development Theory 2
      Optional EDBA 151 Corporation and Management 3 Three or more Optional Subjects
      SPGS 170 Introduction to Juvenile Education 3
      SPGS 174 Introduction to Female Education 2
      SPGS 173 Introduction to Senior Education 2
      SPGS 171 Theory of Local Community Education 2
      SPGS 172 Theory of Corporate Education 2
      SPGS 166 Occupation and Ethics 2
      Required Lifelong education practice (three weeks) non-credited
      Total subjects taken ten or more ten or more no limit on credit
  • Entrants after 2009
    • Total credit to be received: 30
      1. Required: 15 credits (5 subjects) or more (four weeks or longer for lifetime education practice)
      2. Optional: 15 credits (5 subjects), one subject or more in two optional areas
    • Licenses issued when graduation record amounts to 80 or higher.
    • Required Subjects

      ※ Subjects taken by lifelong education practitioners as entrants after 2009

      Subjects taken by lifelong education practitioners as entrants after 2009
      Division Subject Credit Comment
      Required Lifelong Education Overview 3 Five Required Subjects
      Theory of Lifelong Education Administration 3
      Lifelong Education Methodology 3
      Theory of Lifelong education program 3
      lifetime education practice 3
      Optional Adult Learning and Counseling Theory 3 at least one Subjects
      Introduction to Juvenile Education 3
      ntroduction to Senior Education 3
      Introduction to Female Education 3
      Theory of Local Community Education 3 at least one Subjects

      Theory of Remoteness Education

      Theory of Human Resources Development 3
      Theory of Corporate Education 3
      Total subjects taken 30
  • Subject and Standard for Arrangement
    • National Institute for Lifelong Education, Municipal and Provincial National Institute for Lifelong Education: five or more including one or more lifelong education practitioners Grade 1
    • unicipal, Country and District Lifelong Learning Center: 20 regular employers or more → Two or more including one lifelong education practitioners Grade 1 or 2, Less than 20 regular employers → One or more lifelong education practitioners Grade 1 or 2
    • Lifelong educational facilities in Articles 30∼38 of the Lifelong Education Act (excluding lifelong educational facilities where education is recognized): One or more lifelong education practitioners
    • Academic credit bank: One or more lifelong education practitioners
    • Facility, corporation or organization mainly aimed at lifelong education based on other laws: one or more lifelong education practitioners