The three principles, specified upon the 50th anniversary in 1955, are the concentrate of realization of "Liberty" the common ideal of all human beings, materialization of "Justice" in our society, and passion to explore "Truth" in the academic area. This is a permanent value of Korea University that stands for the real intellectuals who can act passionately instead of hiding behind their books of dead knowledge and makes people of Korea University follow the spirit.
Courage, determination, alacrity and dignity of 'tigers' the mysterious totem animal of the Korean nation work well with the national spirit of Korea University students. In 1963, a stone tiger sculpture was built on the hill east of Anam Campus, which was to express the will of Korea University students to become the nation's artery by cultivating the character, fidelity and spirit of tigers.
Nut pine stands for high fidelity and integrity. The tree bears the will of Korea University to become a ground to produce talented people who will work for the nation.
M100% + Y70% + K60%
Crimson symbolizes vitality and passion and stands for the university's academic tradition and disposition.