Credit exchange schedule per affiliated university will appear: [Anam Campus Website-Education/Research/Industry and Academia-Student Exchange-Domestic Exchange] as requested by each affiliated university. Please check the relevant university website to discover details of your desired domestic exchange university.
Those who have taken two or more semesters among Korea University students
Average credit of 3.00 or above until before the semester of application
Prospective graduates cannot apply.
Universities Available for Credit Exchange (30 in total)
Catholic University, Konkuk University, Kyungnam University, Kyunghee University, Kookmin University, Duksung Women’s University, Pusan National University, Seogang University, Seoul National University, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, University of Seoul, Seoul Women’s University, Sungkyunkwan University, Sungshin Women’s University, Sookmyung Women’s University, Yonsei University, Yeongnam University, Ulsan College of Science & Technology, University of Ulsan, Ewha Womans University (seasonal sessions only), Inha University, Chonnam National University, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju University, Chungang University, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea National University of Education, Korea National University of Arts, Hankook University of Foreign Studies, Hanyang University
Application Procedure
Checking the introduction to exchange with the desired subject university → Filling the application form for credit exchange students → Recommendation by relevant department (college) → Submission to own university’s Academic Affairs Support Team → Credit exchange approved → Course registration using the subject university’s procedure
Application Form shall be filled and submitted to Academic Affairs Support Division for each College (Department) within each application term. However, if Department of Mathematics requires a separate form, the separate form shall be submitted, too.
Selection and Scope of Subjects
Credit exchange students may select subjects among those available at their own university and Korea University. Also, they may take the subjects provided by their own university only.
Common and core required subjects as well as teaching license subjects (Teaching Theory, Teaching Aptitude and Subject to teach) shall be taken at Korea University while one half of the required credits for majors (second major, minor program and plural major included) shall be taken at Korea University.
The same subjects taken at the university cannot be taken.
The subjects taken at their own universities can be re-taken only at their own universities.
Credit Limit
Credit limit covering all subjects taken at each of the students’ university and Korea University shall be regulated based on Article 36 of the University Regulation (Credit Acquisition per Semester).
Article 36 (Credit Acquisition per Semester) ① A student may acquire between 12 and 19 credits every semester. However, students of colleges, departments and College of Medicine requiring 135 credits or more for graduation may acquire credit up to 20 while students of Regular Medical Course and Department of Pharmacy may acquire 24 and 22 credits, respectively. ② Credit acquisition per seasonal session shall be within six.
Application to Take Subjects and Change
Application and change (cancelation included) of the subjects to be taken at each student’s university shall take place based on the university’s procedure. The application details shall be approved by the relevant department of Korea University and then, registered as part of the application content of Korea University for the semester.
Prior to the revision period offered by Korea University, each student shall submit Application for Cancelation to Academic Affairs Support Division of his/her university. Application for subjects to be taken during the semester shall be made during the application revision period.
Credit Assessment and Recognition
Assessment: Regulation of each student’s university
Recognition: Regulation of Korea University
Recognition of Credit
Credit recognition refers to a state where the credit acquired at each student’s university is recognized by Korea University.
Names and credits of the subjects taken at each student’s university will be recognized as credits of Korea University and shall not be replaced with those provided by Korea University.
Names and credits of the subjects taken at each student’s university shall appear as those on Transcript issued by each student’s university.
Credits acquired at each student’s university shall not be included in calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA) and shall be included in total acquired credit.
Total credit and division of attendance at each student’s university shall be decided by the student’s relevant department. If the credit system differs from Korea University’s, recognition may take place based on separate credit conversion standards. However, if recognized as replacement subjects, credits of the subjects to be replaced shall not exceed credits of the replacement subjects of Korea University.
Credits acquired at each student’s university cannot be recognized by the student at random and credits of all subjects other than F-received or equivalent subjects and others where students just took part to learn without registration shall be recognized as credits approved by Korea University.
Any subject already taken at Korea University shall not be attended again.
Payment of Tuition
Regular semester: Paid to Korea University (registration and tuition fee)
Seasonal session: Paid to a university to which a student applied for a subject (tuition fee)
Related Regulation
「Regulation on Exchange of Domestic Students and Their Credits」