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Research Institutions


Center for Korean Studies

Center for Korean Studies
Establishment November, 1986
Purpose Center for Korean Studies aims to contribute to development of Korean culture by promoting dissemination through interdisciplinary researches over overall Korean studies and increasing mutual understanding through local culture research, comparative research of international culture and exchange.
Contact Us Phone : +82 - 44 - 860 - 1910
Homepage http://korstudy.korea.ac.kr

Institute of Archaeology and Environment

Institute of Archaeology and Environment
Establishment November, 1995
Purpose Institute of Archaeology and Environment aims to hold academic seminars, publish paper books and open exhibitions by publishing records to re-study our history by excavating and investigating cultural assets of our ancestors before they are destroyed upon development. All of these activities are aimed at fulfilling the central roles in Korean archaeological research.
Contact Us Phone: +82 - 44 - 860 - 1913, Fax: +82 - 44 - 865 - 8910
Institute of Archaeology and Environment

Institute of Natural Science

Institute of Natural Science
Establishment May 3, 1990
Purpose Institute of Natural Science aims to contribute to development of domestic science, technology and industry through interdisciplinary research and international joint research in the areas of various advanced science and technology.
Contact Us Phone: +82 - 44 - 860 - 1442, Fax: +82 - 44 - 865 - 7122
Institute of Natural Science

Institute of Industrial Technology

Institute of Industrial Technology
Establishment November, 1986
Purpose Institute of Industrial Technology aims to connect theories of advanced engineering with applications to work in line with the accumulated professional knowledge in advanced engineering technologies.
Contact Us Phone: +82 - 44 - 860 - 1442
Institute of Industrial Technology

Center for Advanced Photonic Materials

Center for Advanced Photonic Materials
Establishment February 1, 2007
Purpose Center for Advanced Photonic Materials was established to derive the core technologies of photoelectronic energy industry such as display and solar cell that are promoted as national strategic industries on the foundation of basic chemistry and physics.
Contact Us Phone: +82 - 44 - 860 - 1388
Homepage http://pvmaterials.korea.ac.kr/

Industry development Institute

Industry development Institute
Establishment November 7, 1986
Purpose The three major projects of Industry development Institute are research and development, education and guidance, and publication. The center focuses on promoting industrial development through local community development and global awareness.
Contact Us Phone: +82 - 44 - 860 - 1911, 1530
Homepage http://idi.korea.ac.kr/

The Institute for Economics and Statistics

The Institute for Economics and Statistics
Establishment Jenuary 19, 2007
Purpose 1) Academic complementation of economy statistics of Department of Economics and expansion of mutual application
2) Establishment of research response system in line with local community development
3) Accumulation of research capacity related to BK21 Economy Statistics Education Project Group along with Department of Information Statistics and Department of Economy Statistics of Graduate School
Contact Us Phone: +82 - 44 - 860-1714,1715
Homepage http://iesku.korea.ac.kr/

Public Policy Research Institute

Public Policy Research Institute
Establishment May 2, 2011
Purpose Public Policy Research Institute aims to maximize research capacity of Sejong Campus by establishing the hub of national policy research widely covering government administration, unification and national security, social welfare and statistical analysis, creating synergistic effects through strategic interdisciplinary affiliation among social sciences.
Contact Us Phone: +82 - 44 - 860-1926/1927, Fax: +82 - 44 - 860-1928
Homepage http://ppri.korea.ac.kr/

Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Research

약과학연구소 표에 대한 설명
Establishment August 27, 2009
Purpose Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Research aims to promote the development of pharmaceutical industry through researches for new drug development and vitalization of pharmaceutical industry through pharmaceutical science, healthcare and policy research, and contribute to the improvement of people’s health and healthcare.
Main Business ① Pharmaceutical research
② New drug development research
③ Interdisciplinary convergence technology research related to pharmacy
④ International cooperation study
⑤ Training master’s & Ph.D. courses and fostering future academic generations
Contact Us Tel : 044) 860-1607
Homepage http://ipstr.korea.ac.kr/