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College of Humanities Room # 121
Korea University Newspaper is the origin of Korea's university press.
It was established on 'Day of Students' celebrating the Gwangju Student Movement on November 3, 1947. In the late 1940s when the joy of national independence was coming across the pain of birth of the independent nation, Korea University Newspaper was born with the aims to 'identify the fundamentals of what is historic and illogical' and 'explore truth and personality in a uniform way'. It is published to advance the university's foundation spirit, fulfill the basic missions as a journalist, develop sound academic trends and cultivate appropriate criticism.
Korea University Newspaper fulfills the following roles to achieve these aims:
- Weekly publication of Korea University Newspaper - Management of the Internet Korea University Newspaper - Academic and cultural activities related to Korea University Newspaper. Korea University Newspaper's publisher is President of Korea University. Review and distribution are the responsibility of a responsible professor with a two-year term. It is also managed by General Administrator responsible for practical affairs and Special Coordinator who assist with edition and production. Among student reporters, Chief Editor, in his sixth semester in office, leads the organization. The organizational chart consists of Head of Reporting in his fifth semester, Division Head in his fourth semester, Regular Reporter in his third semester, Junior Reporter in his second semester and Probationary reporter in his first semester. Currently, 12-page newspaper is available while 16 to 32-page newspaper will be available when a semester begins or ends or upon University Anniversary or regular Yonsei-Korea University Competition Day.